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I do not know where I would be without my Lepidolite 😆😆

It's my absolute favourite for calming the nervous system and helping to give you that moment to pause and breathe. When I carry one on me, the day feels a lot less overwhelming.

💜 Lepidolite - contains lithium, which is used in anti anxiety medication. This helps to calm the nervous system.

🌊 Fluorite - helps with mental clarity and focus. Baby brain is a real thing! The mental load of Motherhood is EXHAUSTING along with sleep deprivation, and that's without adding anything else like work, a social life, functioning in society 🫠😆

This little crystal can help clear your mind from the busyness and overwhelm to make decisions and see life from a greater perspective.

💎 Quartz - the 'master healer' this crystal is a must-have in your healing process. Working at raising your vibration and triggering your bodies natural healing abilities. Place this anywhere on your body to help heal your beautiful body from birth ✨️🙏

♥️ Mookite - a nurturing crystal to help support you through the transition into Motherhood.

Who is mothering the mother? In those early days 'generally' the mother can take on the majority of the baby care. The focus from your support system is making sure the mother is being looked after. This crystal is supportive and can give you the comfort of knowing it is okay to ask for help and set boundaries and be clear in your needs 🫶🏼

CRYSTAL KIT: Motherhood

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